Family Corner

School Day Routine

School Hours for Students: 8:25 am-2:45 pm

Below are school day procedures including arrival and dismissal details, please familiarize yourself with these procedures for a safe and smooth school year. A few notes:

Please see the Department of Education's Emergency Readiness pages for detailed information regarding current health and safety policies.

Please do your best to be consistently on time for school. We recognize there are sometimes appointments and hectic mornings that are beyond your control, however when your child arrives late, they miss important aspects of the beginning of the school day such as socializing with peers, hearing the schedule for the day, and transitioning their minds and bodies to their classroom. 

If you need to pick your child up before the end of the day, please come to the building before 2:15 pm or plan to arrive at your child’s regular dismissal location at 2:40 pm. This ensures a safe dismissal for our school community. Come to the lobby and stop at the school safety agent to sign your child out.  A staff member will bring your child to you. Please do NOT arrange to pick up your child during their lunch/recess period. Call the school at 212-259-6222 for same day dismissal changes and speak to a live person to communicate the change to ensure the update is communicated to the classroom teacher.   

Please note: Dogs are not permitted in the building or in the school yard. School staff are available to support your child with arrival and dismissal in the event you come to the building with a dog. 

All parents, guardians, and visitors who wish to enter the school are required to sign in at the lobby safety desk with identification. You must also check in with our Main Office. We appreciate your cooperation in these efforts as we want to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

MetroCards are assigned based on grade and distance from school. Please contact Parent Coordinator Sharon Lustig at if you believe you qualify.

Birthday & Holiday Celebrations

Chancellor’s Regulations do not allow birthday celebrations in classrooms. We do want to acknowledge your child’s special day.  Teachers may ask the class to sing a birthday song or let the child wear a special crown or hat or let the birthday child choose a special activity.  We cannot accommodate cakes, cupcakes, party bags, etc. as many children have food allergies.  However, if you wish to donate a book or a puzzle or other material to the class in honor of your child, the classroom community will be grateful.  Please, let your child’s teacher know in advance.  We celebrate summer birthdays in June. 

Nothing crushes a young spirit more than the dreadful realization that one is among the few (or is the only one) excluded from a classmate’s birthday party outside of school.  Please be considerate and do not distribute party invitations at school unless everyone in the class is invited. In addition, we encourage families not to pick up a large group of students from the schoolyard to travel together to a party, if everyone has not been included. We understand that this may be logistically easier, however, for the few that are excluded from the classmate’s birthday party, it is distressing to be the one left out.

Holiday celebrations also vary from class to class. Please know that any holiday celebrations are planned in a thoughtful manner and are optional for children who do not wish to participate. You can always discuss any considerations that may come up with your child's teacher (s).